
WG 1 focuses on the selection of climate and pollution indicators and the definition of a methodology for measuring them.

Objectives :

1) Determine the variables and indicators related to the climate and air pollutants SUDOE applicable in the ARCAS project.

2) Prepare a methodology for the quantification and / or evaluation of the selected indicators that will allow the determination of the most significant climate variables and indicators to develop the ARCAS tool and its application to the demonstration buildings.

Responsible beneficiary : FECEA

The GT2 intends to select indicators of energy efficiency and sustainability in residential buildings, and define a methodology for their measurement.


1) Select indicators related to energy efficiency applicable in the ARCAS project. This selection will be carried out in a coordinated manner and considering the possible specificities of each region of the participating beneficiaries.

2) Develop a methodology for the quantification and / or evaluation of the selected indicators. This methodology will allow the development of the ARCAS Method and the determination of energy efficiency indicators in the demonstration buildings.

Responsible beneficiary : University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV / EHU) – School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa Thermal Machines and Motors

The WG3 focuses on identifying existing innovative technologies in renewable energy and smart energy management.


1) Establish a catalog of the best bioclimatic design solutions and passive heating, ventilation and cooling solutions adapted to the climates of the SUDOE area.
2) Propose a series of energy efficiency indicators, technical, economic and sanitary quality for active systems that use renewable energy for collective social housing.

Responsible beneficiary: Université de La Rochelle (ULR) – Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Ingénieur
pour l’Environnement – UMR 7356 CNRS

GT4 proposes indicators related to social quality as well as a methodology for their measurement.

Main objective : the identification and selection of variables and indicators related to social quality, in particular related to interconnected issues such as energy and health poverty that will be applied in the ARCAS method.

Secondary objectives:

1) Characterization of the Energy Poverty indicators according to the context of the European Social Policy and with adaptation to the Sudoe territory. Simple and compound indicators will be considered, with particular incidence on those directly related to the rehabilitation of buildings. Some factors considered are energy vulnerability, family income levels and energy prices.

2) Selection of indicators related to indoor air quality. Current regulations that promote tightness, ventilation and air quality, which represent a significant percentage of the final energy consumption of the home, will be considered.

Responsible beneficiary : Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia (UMinho)

The GT5 is going to focus exclusively on the development of a multi-criteria computer tool that will allow the integration in a weighted way of the climate indicators, the best technologies available in renewable and social quality selected to carry out the evaluation in buildings.

Responsible beneficiary : Asturias Building Quality Studies Foundation (FECEA)

This WG will select and analyze nine demonstration buildings of public and private housing in the Sudoe territory for the subsequent application of the methodologies to obtain the indicators of the three fundamental axes of the project (autonomy / energy efficiency, social quality / energy poverty and air quality / health)

Main objective: the validation of the ARCAS tool with the information and results obtained in the monitoring of indicators in the selected demonstration buildings.

Responsible beneficiary : University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EPV / EHU) – School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa Thermal Machines and Engines

The GT7 will focus on the development of a certification process for the ARCAS Method aimed at construction professionals and the Public Administration.

Main objective : the development of the ARCAS certification process detailing the certification procedure and the use of the ARCAS method. In particular, the following elements will be described:

The role of the actors in the process, the certification procedure, the steps, the operations, the rules, the technical reference, the performance indicators, the associated evaluation methods and the communication rules.

Responsible beneficiary : TIPEE – Plateforme technologique bâtiment durable.

The GT8 will train professionals in the sector in the use of the ARCAS Tool.


1) Development of a professional training program on the application and certification of the ARCAS Method.

2) Delivery of a pilot training program in professional institutions belonging to the ARCAS Method value chain, such as architects, engineers, designers, construction managers, builders and clusters, among others, with the support of public and private associated partners for the implementation of these pilot programs.

Responsible beneficiary : Asturias Building Quality Studies Foundation (FECEA)

The main objective of this group of tasks is the coordination of the working group formed by the public administrations and private organizations associated with the ARCAS project to establish strategies that facilitate decision-making regarding the preparation of the basic regulations and the criteria for the allocation of financing and aid for the rehabilitation of dwellings occupied by vulnerable groups.

Responsible beneficiary : Government of Cantabria – Ministry of public works, spatial planning and urban planning